Membership Dues

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Membership dues are based:

  • On the calendar year with renewal invoices being distributed annually on December 1st and is payable by January 31st.
  • On the number of full-time employees. (anyone working over 20 hours per week)

If a business joins throughout the year, they will pay from their join date to December 31st.

Dues are reduced each quarter so please contact the chamber for the correct pricing.

NFP's receive 50% off the regular rates

Listed above (plus HST), based on the number of full time employees.


Must be enrolled in a post-secondary institution.


If a company joins the Chamber within 6 months of registering with Corporate Affairs then they qualify for this rate.


Business operating at markets without a physical location.


Must be a retired chamber member, school teacher, clergy, civil servants, or elected officials.


Largest department pays the regular member rate based upon the number of full time employees, others pay the department rate.


Businesses pay regular rates based on full time employees for the largest business and the multi-business rate for each additional business when the same owners have 2 or more businesses.


Members outside the Greater Fredericton Area.

According to the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce’s bylaws, a membership is conditional pending approval by a majority vote of the board of directors at the next regular board meeting.

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